
Cre-Active gained official status in March 2014, but so far operated as an informal organization. Moreover, its members took part in other projects equalizing opportunity for young people or disadvantaged groups.

President of the association in 2007 was the coordinator of the project “Active through sport” funded by the European Union. Vice-president was educating herself in sign language in project organized by the Polish Association of the Deaf, to fight with social exclusion. Additionally, many members were involved in projects financed by the European Union and actively worked in charities. They were coordinators of the Nationwide Contest Olympics of The Knowledge about Entrepreneurship and Region (12 editions), The members of Cre-Active were the authors of a few projects like : Young Journalists – New Vision, Spain behind the Corner, Active through Sport – these projects were the Youth in Actions program.

The members of Cre-Active actively prepared a few projects, but as an informal group (before registration) they acted within Insitute of New Technologies which was their “umbrella organization”.

As a part of our high interest in enterpreneurship, we helped creating 10th and 11th National Polish Olympics of knowledge about region and enterprise, which turned out to be a huge success – over 10000 students (17-19 years old) participated.

We organized a set of workshops on entrepreneurship – over 80 young persons participated. They were conducted by professionals .

We were a co-organizer of a conference (2014) My own business – solution for future. We cooperate with more than 30 youth organizations in central Poland.

Moreover, Cre-Active is a partner of Regional Centre for International Debate Project (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Projects.)